The artist in this advertisement is gwen stefani,a 42 year old singer-songwriter. Who came to fame being the lead singer in band 'No doubt'. She has been a successfully active singer since 1986.
media representations
Gwen Stefani (The artist) is being represented in a positive way because the advertisement is representing her new album,so the producer of the advertisement has been told to make her look good. Unconventionally the advertisement doesn't include any reviews from music magazines on her album. She is being represented by the magazine publisher and her music label interscope,so shes not alone. Gwen is being represented in a paint like photograph of her sat on her chair but not showing her full face because of her hair covering her eye. The chair,the crown and glittery thrown stick is conveying the representation of the artist being 'queen of pop' because of how long she has been a successful artist for.
media language and forms
The significance of the text is to promote her album and her self. It is promoting the album because of the image of the album on the advertisement and the title of the upcoming album. The advertisement is promoting herself because of her website in the corner if people wish to find out more about her. The non verbal structures such as facial expressions say she is a secretive artist because its not a clear photo and half of her face is not showing. The language of the text is very in your face and has the same house style throughout,its purpose is to inform people the name of the artist and the name of the album.
media institutions
The institutional source of the text are other media related products such as billboards and side street posters,unlike other non known artists Gwen can afford big publicity so will try get her advertisement in the biggest and best places. The photographer and publisher of the advertisement will have took into consideration it is a pop advertisement and the conventions such as bright colours to make it stand out will be needed. It needs to go in the right magazines such as 'Hello' and 'OK' where it is all about the glam,just like pop music. The advertisement is a commercial institution,and this influences it because it is all about promotion. It has been distributed through a music magazine which the artists record label will have to pay a big amount of money for so they will expect a good large page.
media audiences
This text is addressed to anybody reading the magazine because even a quick glance of the page you will get the idea what its purposes are. Being a active audience you will notice that Gwen has audiences all around the world and her fans will be the primary target audience and then secondary will be fans of the genre 'pop' who already like music similar to Gwen's. The older generation who knew Gwen when she was in rock/punk band 'no doubt' may also be interested in her new music. I think the audience will receive the text in a good way because its not too revealing like most pop artist advertisements are and the crown makes it very sophisticated and different just like the way its been made to look like a painting. The size of the audience will be a large amount because of the distributor being a successful magazine. As a audience member i think the layout is a good plain but the writing is hard to understand and there should be more conventions for example. reviews of the album.
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